His Royal Highnesses the Prince of Wales was hosted at the Royal Palace for tea by Their Royal Highnesses Crown Prince Alexander, Crown Princess Katherine, Prince Peter, David Andrews and Alison Andrews.

The Prince and the Royal Family met in the Blue Salon of the Royal Palace, after which Their Royal Highnesses continued their conversation in a family atmosphere. This meeting is very important for Crown Prince Alexander and the Prince of Wales, whose ancestors in the last century on several occasions visited the Royal Palace. The Crown Prince gave Prince Charles an icon of Saint George, the patron saint of England, and the best wines from the Royal Vineyards in Oplenac. Crown Princess Katherine prepared a handmade Serbian shawl and handbag for the Duchess of Cornwall.

The Prince of Wales took a short tour of the Royal and the White Palace, where he had the opportunity to see the exhibition “Two Royal Families – Historical Ties” about the relations between the British Royal Family and the Serbian Royal Family.

In the past at the request of Crown Princess Katherine the Prince of Wales gave to the Princess Katherine Foundation an autoclave steriliser for the Gynaecological Clinic within the Clinical Centre of Serbia. This valuable donation was delivered by Crown Prince Alexander and Crown Princess Katherine, in the presence of the Ambassador of the United Kingdom to Serbia.

The Royal Family Karadjordjevic has multiple family ties with the British Royal House of Windsor. These family ties are on the side of the Windsors, the family of Queen Elizabeth II and on the side of her husband, Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh. The kinship between the Serbian and the British Royal Family began with the marriage of King Alexander I and Romanian Princess Maria after the First World War. The future Queen Maria was the great-granddaughter of Queen Victoria. Crown Prince Alexander is also related to the Queen’s husband, Prince Philip, through his mother, Queen Alexandra, who was the daughter of the Greek King Alexander, the uncle of Prince Philip.

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II (the mother of the Prince of Wales) is the godmother of His Royal Highness Crown Prince Alexander, together with her father, the British King George VI. The godfather at the baptism of the Crown Prince’s father, His Majesty King Peter II, was the British King George V and the King’s Envoy to the baptism in Belgrade was the future British King George VI (the father of Queen Elizabeth and the grandfather of the Prince of Wales). Crown Prince Alexander’s grandmother, Her Majesty Queen Maria was the great-granddaughter of Her Majesty Queen Victoria. Their Royal Highnesses Crown Prince Alexander and the Prince Charles were also together at Gordonstoun School in Scotland.

Their Royal Highnesses Crown Prince Alexander and Crown Princess Katherine will attend tonight the State Dinner at the Home of the Guard, in honour of Their Royal Highnesses the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall. 

Their Royal Highnesses were invited to the reception Thursday 17 March at the Parliament given by the Speaker of the House Mrs Maja Gojkovic and the Ambassador of the United Kingdom, but regret they cannot attend since they will be flying that night to Cape Town South Africa. They will be guests of former President F.W. de Klerk of South Africa for his 80th birthday Friday 18 March. They were guests ten years ago for the President’s 70th birthday party when Nelson Mandela was present.


Princ od Velsa gost Prestolonaslednika Aleksandra i Princeze Katarine u Kraljevskom Dvoru

Njegovo Kraljevsko Visočanstvo Princ od Velsa bio je danas na čaju u Kraljevskom Dvoru, kao gost Njihovih Kraljevskih Visočanstava Prestolonaslednika Aleksandra, Princeze Katarine, Princa Petra, Dejvida Endrjuza i Alison Endrjuz.

Susret Princa i Kraljevske porodice dogodio se u svečanom plavom salonu Kraljevskog Dvora, nakon čega su Njihova Kraljevska Visočanstva nastavili razgovor u porodičnoj atmosferi bez prisustva medija. Prestolonasledniku Aleksandru i Princu od Velsa ovaj susret je veoma značajan budući da su Prinčevi preci u prošlom veku u više navrata boravili u Kraljevskom Dvoru na Dedinju, dok je njima ovo bio prvi susret ne samo u ovom zdanju već i prvi susret u Srbiji. Prestolonaslednik je Princu Čarlsu poklonio ikonu Svetog Đorđa, sveca zaštitnika Engleske, i najkvalitetnija oplenačka vina iz Kraljevskih vinograda, a Princeza Katarina je za Vojvotkinju od Kornvola pripremila ručno rađen srpski šal i torbu.

Princ od Velsa obišao je Kraljevski i Beli Dvor, gde je imao prilike da pogleda izložbu „Dve Kraljevske porodice – istorijske veze“, o odnosima srpske i britanske Kraljevske porodice.

Na molbu Princeze Katarine Princ od Velsa je svojevremeno Fondaciji Princeze Katarine donirao autoklav sterilizator za Ginekološku kliniku u Kliničkom centru Srbije. Ovu vrednu donaciju uručili su Prestolonaslednik Aleksandar i Princeza Katarina u prisustvu ambasadora Velike Britanije u Srbiji.

Kraljevska porodica Karađorđević je u višestrukim rođačkim vezama sa britanskom kraljevskom kućom. Te porodične veze su i sa strane Vindzora, porodice Kraljice Elizabete II i sa strane njenog muža, Princa Filipa. Početak rođačke povezanosti srpske i britanske krune je vezan za ženidbu Kralja Aleksandra I rumunskom princezom Marijom posle Prvog svetskog rata. Buduća Kraljica Marija bila je praunuka britanske Kraljice Viktorije. Prestolonaslednik Aleksandar je po majci rođak kraljičinom suprugu princu Filipu. Njegova majka princeza Aleksandra bila je kćerka grčkog Kralja Aleksandra, strica princa Filipa.

Njeno Veličanstvo Kraljica Elizabeta II (majka Princa od Velsa) bila je kuma na krštenju Njegovog Kraljevskog Visočanstva Prestolonaslednika Aleksandra zajedno sa svojim ocem, britanskim Kraljem Džordžom VI. Kum na krštenju Prestolonaslednikovog oca, Njegovog Veličanstva Kralja Petra II bio je britanski Kralj Džordž V, a Kraljev izaslanik na ovom krštenju u Beogradu bio je budući britanski Kralj Džordž VI (otac Kraljice Elizabete i deda Princa od Velsa). Baka Prestolonaslednika Aleksandra, Njeno Veličanstvo Kraljica Marija bila je unuka Njenog Veličanstva Kraljice Viktorije. Njihova Kraljevska Visočanstva Prestolonaslednik Aleksandar i Princ Čarls su zajedno pohađali školu Gordonstoun u Škotskoj.

Njihova Kraljevska Visočanstva Prestolonaslednik Aleksandar i Princeza Katarina prisustvovaće večeras svečanoj večeri u Domu Garde u čast Njihovih Kraljevskih Visočanstva Princa od Velsa i njegove supruge Vojvotkinje od Kornvola.

Njihova Kraljevska Visočanstva pozvani su i na svečani prijem u Narodnoj skupštini u četvrtak 17. marta, čiji su domaćini predsednica Skupštine gospođa Maja Gojković i ambasador Velike Britanije, ali nažalost neće moći da mu prisustvuju jer će te noći biti na putu za Kejptaun u Južnoj Africi. Njihova Kraljevska Visočanstva biće gosti bivšeg predsednika Južne Afrike Frederika de Klerka, na proslavi njegovog 80. rođendana, u petak 18. marta. Oni su pre deset godina bili gosti i na 70. rođendanu predsednika, kada je na proslavi bio prisutan i Nelson Mendela.